Spicing It Up: Changing out your digital advertising

Take advantage of online advertising and you will deliver the right message to the right customers. With the use of digital advertising you can help your business grow, but even digital advertising can get stale and might be in need of a boost. Most importantly, make sure you have a call to action. You may already have one or more on your website, but you can add them to your online presence as well. Something like “Buy one get the second ½ off!” or “Free Oil Change with Purchase of New Tires”.
According to Sorceline Media, the use of geo-targeting is a way to really add some flavor to your online ad. Use geo-specific keywords on your website or landing page. Make sure they know where you are located and the areas you serve. Have your phone number, email address, contact form or contact link on every page, if you have a retail store, include your physical address and business hours. All this can be on your online ad, but beware of making it too busy. Make your ads’ landing page fun and exciting, but rich with all the information your customers are looking for.
Online ads may begin one way, but don’t be afraid to ‘spice it up’ every now and again. Test different creative ideas and keep track of the successful ones, combine ideas and create new campaigns, and use interesting imagery and fun word play. Your ads will be fresh for your audience and won’t blend into the background getting lost among other stale online ads.