Asking for the review

Asking for business reviews may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many different ways you, as a business owner, can ask for those recommendations from your satisfied customers. Below are 5 ways you can score a review to help your business shine on the online review sites:
Website Form: Having a form on your website that people can access at any time is a great way to start building up those reviews, which you can then use as testimonials for others to see.
Automated Thank You: If you have ecommerce on your website where people can directly buy a product from you, then have the Thank You Page ask for a review of their experience. It’s an easy and hands-off way to ask for your customers thoughts on any products or services you may offer. Just supply them a link to an online review platform and you’re good to go!
Email Blasts: Email is another way you can ask your customers for reviews. Sending out an email blast with the request for reviews is becoming more common and may feel less awkward than asking in person. Ask customers for their email address at the time of their purchase. Not only can you use their email address to keep them informed about your business and services/products, but you can ask for a review as well. A great way to do so is this:
Dear (first name)
Thank you for your recent purchase. We hope you love it and that it works well for your needs. If it does, would you consider posting an online review? This will help us continue to provide excellent customer service with great products, and helps potential buyers make informed decisions. Thank you in advance and for being our customer.
Ask Over the Phone: If your business is customer support heavy, you might find plenty of opportunities to ask for reviews while over the phone. If you know you have a satisfied customer, it’s a great time to ask. You might even make your customer feel valued which can increase your customer loyalty.
Ask Directly: Asking in person is the best way to ask for a review. If you’ve spent some time with a customer and know they’ve had a good experience with your business, it’s okay to ask them for a positive review on Google, Yelp, Facebook, or any other review platform out there. More and more people are happy to leave a review, particularly if it’s a positive one. So, go ahead and ask, especially if they’ve praised you or an employee for a job well done.
There are many ways to ask your customers to take time to write an online review of your business. Make sure they’ve had a good experience before asking them to leave a review for the world to read, remember that a good review could mean the difference of a customer choosing your product over another. You want to have your presence known on the review sites so others can have a positive experience with you as well.