Email Marketing: How to Use It

Email Marketing can be one of the biggest assets for any business, large and small alike. Although there are many ways of using email marketing strategies, Josic has come up with 10 great strategies to help any business owner use Email Marketing effectively.
- Develop relationships and establish credibility by offering free information
- Encourage repeat visits by announcing regular specials
- Host “Customer Only” events
- Include promotions in appointment reminders
- Follow up with your hottest leads
- Offer electronic “loyalty coupons”
- Send follow-up offers to your customers
- Encourage “Send to a Friend” referrals
- Deliver your product electronically
- Use email to sell your knowledge and create recurring revenue
Setting up an email following is as easy as requesting your potential customers to leave their information with you whether they buy something at the time of their visit or not. Gather an ongoing list of your current customers and create a spreadsheet with the information. Set up email blasts but try not to send out too many too fast. Once a month would be sufficient. Customer exclusives, specials, services provided, coupons, and referrals initiatives through the use of Email Marketing will help grow your business and your clientele. Read the full article here.