How Can I Measure My Online Efforts?

How do I know that my efforts for online advertising is not going to waste?
There are many tools and resources we can use to gauge how our advertising is doing online. As time moves along, it is smart to keep track of the traffic coming to your website and social media platforms. This can help you learn things that need to be worked on and things you are doing right. For example, Facebook offers a great measuring tool that allows you to see which posts are attracting the most attention, how many people are following your posts, and how many have viewed your other online platforms such as your website. Each social media site has their own variation of analytics that will be specific to your business account.
Another great asset for a small business is Google Analytics. Google Analytics can help you manage the traffic to your website, send out monthly emails to customers, observe the average session duration, and even the system your audience is using on their mobile devices. This is an animal that you must have in your book of tricks. If you are a Google Analytics beginner, there are many tutorials that can help you set up your next account.
Create a dashboard which will allow you to capture all your online platforms in one easy to ready chart. There are several third-party dashboard services out there, but you will need to do your research to see which platform fits your business and budget. We recommend creating a list of all your online and digital platforms you use for your business. This will help determine what you will need from a dashboard service. Your list should include your website, social platforms, digital advertising such as Google ads, etc. Make it a point to review the dashboard weekly with your team and discuss what’s working and what’s not working. This is a never-ending process as marketing tactics and trends change constantly.
Marketing teams around the world have more data available at their fingertips to design and implement a winning online strategy. Take advantage of these awesome tools and data that can be offered. Your online advertising efforts will show through by investing a little bit of your time on a regular basis.
Do you not have the time to invest in your social media sites or website upkeep?
Pinnacle Marketing Group can help you with exactly what you need.