Remotely Yours

With the advancement in technology, remote jobs have been growing. Internet and mobile devices allow an employee to communicate with headquarters without having to step foot into a physical location. Pinnacle Marketing Group has a group of remote employees working their magic across the nation. As amazing as this is, there are some guidelines which allow telecommuting to be possible and making it remotely yours.
Communication is one of the most important facets in keeping the confusion away. Communicate daily with employees on the go. Using Join Me or Skype can help with that communication and will ensure everyone stays on the same page, and any concerns you or your remote employees may have can be answered properly. It’s important for a remote employee to have a point of contact at the physical business locations. Assigning a support person who can answer questions quickly, send out requested materials, and help troubleshoot situations will help your employee be the best they can be while out on the road.
Having the right tools to help with remote training is essential. An employee manual, fliers, videos and infographics are just a few items you can supply your remote employees. Keeping those items updated and fresh is another good practice to maintain.
It can still be difficult for your employees who telecommute, so offering up encouragement and being open to feedback is just as important as communicating and having the right training tools. It’s easy to forget how important each of your employees are, which is why the exercise of letting someone know they are doing a stand-up job, no matter their position is a solid step in building a strong and unified team. With these guidelines, your employees will have a world of success available to learn and practice from making the world remotely yours. Pinnacle Marketing Group would like to thank our remote employees and congratulate them on their continued success.