Seasonal Businesses: Reminding Us You’re Open

The winter was long and brutal, but now the sun is out, flowers are blooming, and you are getting ready to open your business for the season. After a long seasonal closing, it can be difficult reminding your customers that you’re still open and waiting for their business.
Reminding your customers that you still exist can be tricky and you should start a few months ahead of opening time. Establishing a marketing plan ahead of time can take some of the fear away and help gain new customers as well as reminding past customers that you’re still around. If you have an email list of your current customers, start by sending out an E-blast letting them know you are gearing up for the season. Add some items or seasonal promotions in the email so they can see what’s new this year. Start advertising through your local radio station or social media platforms.
Facebook and Twitter are waiting for you to let your social media followers know that time is close for a reopening! Create and promote a Pinterest and Instagram account. This allows you to post and pin products and services you may offer. Your customers are visual people and want to see what’s new and exciting. Don’t forget to always advertise in your local telephone directory. It’s a tried and true way to remain constant in the minds of your customers. It’s OK to place your seasonal business hours in your ad. That way, when the time comes, you’re already at your customers fingertips.
These are just a few of the many ways you can be sure the public is aware and excited about the seasonal opening of your small business. If you find you are running low on time to promote and market the way you want to, hire a marketing professional to help take some of the stress off your back. Together, you can be certain to have a successful business season!
Need help with your Marketing? Contact Pinnacle Marketing Group today!