The Business Side of Pinterest

Pinterest isn’t just about DIY projects and recipe ideas for cooking. It’s about creating a creative community where inspiration can grow. If your company is in the creative field, showcasing it on Pinterest is a social media platform that will work for you and your business.
Targeting the right viewers is as simple as creating Boards dedicated to your business lifestyle. Try keeping your personal and business interests separate, instead focus on what would benefit your followers as well as let them know about the services you offer. Pinning service ideas, wellness in the workplace, creating your own pins (making sure the link goes to your business website), and re-pinning relevant material all make your Pinterest Boards highly attractive for viewers to follow.
Make sure your pinning information that is relevant and trustworthy. It can be easy to get caught up in pinning but taking the time to make sure the pins are truly what you want to share with your community is just as important as making sure you remain business focused. Double check those pins for relevance, importance to your own business, and make sure the pins are appearing correctly.
Photos are key when using Pinterest. It’s a visual platform and pinning posts with photos instead of just words will bring a sense of creative flair to your Boards. Pinterest is all about the photos so if you’re creating your own material make sure the photo is relevant and eye catching.
Most importantly, have fun! Pinterest is a fun way to explore the business world around you while contributing your own style to the ranks. It’s a great way to showcase your business in a different light and to gain followers and customers who might otherwise have missed noticing you through other social media platforms. Adding Pinterest to your arsenal of marketing allows you to stay up-to-date with the trends as well as add to your own business influence.