What Are Keywords?

We hear about them all the time. To have a successful website, you need to have the right keywords. In the grand scheme of things, keywords are one of the most important elements to have for your website and are also the easiest step in creating an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly website.
Keywords are words or phrases your customers are typing into search engines. To be found by these current and potential customers, you must have these keywords included and embedded in the source code of your web page. Example, say you are an auto body shop. Your website would ideally have content with keywords and phrases like “tires”, “automotive transmission repair”, and “auto body repair”. When someone does a search and types in Auto Body Repair, that search engine will scan potential website possibilities and will choose yours among others to appear because you used those particular keywords in your site.
You still want your content to be readable as well as keyword rich. It’s important to be sure your keywords are relevant in your content. Keywords are important, however don’t go overboard as it can damage the integrity of your website. The important things are your customers ability to find you and to be certain your website is user friendly through and through.
If you’re feeling stuck on which keywords to use or want to know which keywords you feel best fit your content or business by volume of viewers, there are tons of keyword research tools out there to help you narrow them down. Furthermore, keyword research also gives valuable insights for search queries that your targeted audience is searching for on Google. These insights can play a big role in selecting which topics and content to use when building out your marketing and content strategy.
Here’s a list of helpful steps to take for your SEO strategy:
Research relevant search terms
If you’re stuck on keywords, try searching a term that relates to your business in Google and scroll to the bottom where you will see the “searches related to” box section which may help spark some ideas for your keywords.
Make a list of relevant topics that pertain to your business and services
These should be topics that you want to “claim” and be known for when your customers and target audience search things. Try having roughly 6-12 keywords.
Create keywords from the topics you created in step one
Example: If you’re an auto body shop and had that in your step two topic list, you would want to create keywords based off that topic to include “what is an auto body shop” or “how do I find a good auto body shop.”
Understand your audience’s intent with a search query
This is important to understand because if you are an auto body shop and have a customer researching car issues, your content should be geared to how your business can help solve their problems.
Continue to research keywords throughout the year
It’s important to stay top of mind and up to date on top keywords so you can remain on Google or the first page of other search engines when customers search your keywords.
If you would like to receive more information or need assistance with websites or other marketing services contact us at Pinnacle Marketing Group