Why We Use WordPress

Why Use WordPress?
Why do you use WordPress is a question we get asked almost daily. One would think it’s a simple question to answer but there are several reasons we use WordPress.
What is WordPress?
WordPress is the Content Management System (CMS) we use to build our custom websites. WordPress is open source, highly customizable, secure and is built with search engine traffic in mind and is currently the most popular CMS for websites on the internet.
While browsing the web, you’re sure to have come across more than one website powered by WordPress. Some big names on the web include; The Rolling Stones, Spotify Newsroom and Vogue.
Open Source
WordPress has been free to download since its start in 2003. Being open source means the software is created by a community of developers. It has a team of core developers to manage projects, but anyone can contribute by fixing bugs, making features, and giving suggestions. Constantly improving the software makes WordPress a CMS that is likely to last for the long run.
With the plug-ins available on WordPress, customizing a website to fit your business is a breeze. From inventory management to calendars and ecommerce stores, there is a plug-in for almost anything a website could need. Using plug-ins instead of coding lets you offer clients more customization’s without a higher price tag.
Ease of Use
WordPress makes updating content like photos and text simpler than other platforms. There are a number of online resources available to learn how to update something if needed. Having up-to-date content improves rankings across search engines like Google and keeps websites looking modern. If you are a current website client and have updates, you would like to apply to your site contact your Account Manager at Pinnacle Marketing Group.
WordPress itself is a very secure platform. The biggest threat to WordPress users comes from running websites or plug-ins on an outdated version of the software. Running outdated software makes websites vulnerable to hackers. Be sure to monitor sites frequently for updates and always test new plug-ins and software before applying them to any site. Because this is such a large issue almost all of our website packages include maintenance and software updates so we can ensure your website stays healthy and secure.
SEO, Analytics & Reporting
WordPress tends to rank higher than other sites on search engines because it’s written with high-quality code optimized to do well in search. It also makes tracking analytics simple, letting you dive deeper into how your consumers are navigating through the site.
By analyzing the data, we can give educated recommendations to our website customers. Monthly reports are given to clients to help them understand how the site is performing over time. Reports generally highlight statistics like the number of visitors, average time spent on a site, keywords in search, referral sources, and more.
Hopefully this article helps to better explain why we use WordPress. If you have any questions or if you have been thinking about refreshing your business with a new website, reach out to the specialists at Pinnacle Marketing Group. We have a team ready to work for you and help you succeed!