Re-branding: A new year’s resolution for your business

Has the personality of your company outgrown your current brand? A rebrand could be the perfect New Year’s solution. Rebranding can include updating your name, logo, colors, and marketing materials. Your business could go through a partial or full rebrand. Look at where your business is at currently to see how drastic of a rebrand your business may need.
Partial or Full Rebrand?
A full rebrand increases the risk that your customers won’t recognize you. To avoid this, inform your customers of a rebrand by preparing in advance and spreading the word through every channel you can. If you’re looking to update aspects of your brand such as your logo or colors without changing your name, you may want to move forward with a partial rebrand.
If you decide on a partial rebrand, you’ll need to decide which pieces are going to stay and which pieces need to be updated. Will the old and new mesh together well? You might keep your business’s name, so you don’t lose all your brand recognition. Will your new logo work with the name?
Use Your Experience to Improve
A rebrand is a great opportunity to use your experience with your previous brand. What worked and what didn’t? Maybe your logo was difficult to read when sized down or printed on clothes. You may want a bolder logo that will be recognizable no matter how big or small it’s sized.
Rebranding Is Like Creating a New Brand
Creating a brand always starts with research, and rebranding shouldn’t be any different. Is your audience changing with the rebrand? Will your mission stay the same? Doing the research first will make sure the rebrand is worth it. Once the research is done, you can start on creating your brand personality and the materials to go along with it. Do you think the rebrand requires a new vision, mission, and values? If so, it would also make sense to update your slogan and brand identity.
Confused on the difference between brand vs. branding? Read our article here: or learn more about refreshing your logo by reading our article here:
A rebranding can modernize your look and align your business with your mission. Work with a professional to ensure your rebrand is successful by having marketing materials that are consistent and convey the message you want. Contact Pinnacle Marketing Group today for more information.